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Appealing to Savvy Candidates


Appealing to Savvy Candidates
April 10, 2013, 8:00:00 PM EDT   By Shoa Appelman

I was recently sent a form to fill out, in print. Paper forms don't auto-populate, so I set aside 30 minutes for the penmanship exercise, then I went in search of an envelope and a stamp. This ordeal made me feel like a Neanderthal. More importantly, it made me think hard about whether I wanted to do business with a company that used antiquated processes. I didn't. And most customers go through the same process when evaluating whether they want to do business with a company: Do I like the product? Is the customer support good? Is the company credible? Employment candidates use a similar process when evaluating their prospective companies, and usually their initial exposure to how a company operates is the applicant tracking system and pre-employment test. Savvy candidates - the ones you likely want to have on your team - make mental notes of: 1) Whether the process works on their preferred device, whether it's a laptop, tablet, or mobile phone. 2) How relevant the process is. Were there 50 ambiguous survey questions? 3) The look and feel. Does the assessment look like something that was designed for dial-up? Job-based simulations resolve these concerns quickly. Applicants immediately see job relevance and often appreciate the engaging exercise that provides them practice with the role and a chance to demonstrate their competence. An online role play exercise is a much more efficient approach to learning about a candidate than asking them to come in for multiple interviews. Candidates perceive companies that use simulations as modern, innovative and productive. If you're looking to appeal to today's savvy candidate - and want to avoid the perception your organization is from a prehistoric era - make sure your applicant process and pre-employment assessments reflect your company values.

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