–This post was written for HR Avatar by guest blog author, Tristyn France.
When going into a job interview, most people look forward to knowing the salary attached to the post. After all, the salary is a huge factor in helping a potential candidate check if the post fits well with their needs and lifestyle. But for some people, knowing the benefits included in a job offer is just as important as how much they'll get paid. A list on Corporate Wellness Magazine highlights that benefits such as medical insurance, supplemental insurance, paid time off, and schedule flexibility should be offered by most organizations today as this can help them attract and retain talented employees. Unfortunately, asking about the benefits during the interview process still remains taboo in most organizations.
Remember to be patient
Almost every applicant is itching to know the compensation package that a company offers. However, asking about the benefits during an initial interview may sour the relationship between you and the interviewer. Doing this makes it seem to the interviewer that you're only interested in what the company can provide to you. Meanwhile, the company might not even know the full scope of your abilities yet. So, be sure to keep these kinds of questions to yourself for now. During the initial interview, it's more important to sell yourself first and to let the interviewer know that you are a good fit for the job.
Be specific with what you want to know
Before initiating tricky subjects such as compensation and benefits, make sure that you know exactly what you're going to ask. Asking simple questions such as "What benefits does your company offer?" may yield an unsatisfactory answer. For this reason, try to list down what exactly you want to know about the benefits package that the company offers. For one, you might be interested to know if they can contribute to your IRA, which Marcus notes can move with you from job to job. Or, you may want to ask if they offer remote or flexible working arrangements. It's important to be specific with what you're looking for as it can save time for both you and your interviewer. In addition, doing this allows you to prepare ahead and phrase your questions in a tactful and careful manner.
Do your due diligence
You should do your research when attempting to ask touchy questions that involve benefits and compensation. Asking a question without any knowledge on the topic will make you look like you're unprepared and disinterested to work for the company you're applying for. So, be sure to do your due diligence and get as much information as possible about the benefits that matter the most for you. Business News Daily notes that you can know a lot about a specific company by checking their reviews on platforms such as Glassdoor or Expresit. By arming yourself with the right knowledge, you can have a more insightful and truthful conversation with the interviewer about the benefits that they offer.
It is your right to be informed of the different benefits a company may offer. However, be sure to heed the advice we've discussed above to make sure that you have an honest and productive discussion with the interviewer. If you want to improve your chances of getting hired, be sure to read our post 'What Job Seekers Need to Know About Pre-employment Testing'.