Personality Traits from Video Interviews


Using our AI-derived personality capability, you can extract information about key personality traits from video interview responses, enabling you to obtain useful information without placing additonal requirements on your candidates or employees.

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A Responsible use of AI

Using artificial intelligence responsibly is absolutely critical for systems that affect individual's careers. We are committed to implementing AI in an open fashion with full disclosure to our clients and candidates, and only when there is a logical basis for its application. In this case, the application is based on using semantic language analysis to make logical connections between candidate statements and known indicators of various personality features. Behind every successful machine learning application there is a large body of information known as a 'Training Set.' In this case, the training set is based large, open-source, data sets of proven personality questions and responses. Additionally, results are only provided for a trait if the system can correlate the candidate's responses to that trait with a high enough confidence level. In this way, specious correlations are eliminated from the results.

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What does it measure?

We have defined two groups of traits - Performance-Related and Cultural-Fit Related.

Performance-Related Traits include Adaptability, Drive, Empathy and Emotional Self-Control, Integrity, Resilience, and Teamwork.

Cultural Fit-Related Traits include Adventure, Amicability, Assertiveness, Calmness, Competence, Complexity, Comprehension, Creative, Dealing with Ambiguity, Depth, Dominance, Dutifulness, Forcefulness, Good Nature, Happiness, Insight, Intellect, Introversion, Optimism, Planfulness, Poise, Politeness, Responsibility, Security, Self-Control, Self-Discipline, Self-Efficacy, Sentimentality, Sociability, Stability, Temperance, Timidity, and Tolerance.

See the table below for more information about each trait, plus suggested interview questions to ask.

Getting Started

  1. Add questions that ask about desired traits.
  2. Select either Performance, Cultural Fit, or Both for the AI-Derived Personality Package in the test configuration.
  3. Publish your test.

How do I add questions that measure personality?

You have several options. If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to let us help you.

Option 1: You can write your own questions if you want. To help, please see the table of suggested interview questions below for each of the traits. Simply create and add questions like you would normally, but be sure to select the traits that the question is intended to measure (on the question edit screen).

Option 2 (Recommended): The system will add the questions for you. Simply go to the test you want to add them to and scroll to the bottom of the page, then click the link to Import AI-Personality Questions. The system will automatically create appropriate questions in the same folder as the test and add them to your test.

Once the questions are added, you can modify them and make them yours.

In either case: Let us help you! We are happy to help you get this set up the way you want. Simply reach out to use anytime by clicking here and we will get in touch right away. We will have you up and running in no time.

What does Performance or Cultural Fit mean?

We can measure about 40 different traits. To simplify things, we've grouped them into 'Performance' (7 traits), and 'Cultural Fit' (34 traits). You can mix an match all you like, simply choose 'Both' in the test configuration.

How it really works

Our AI-driven personality tool is based on a process called 'Semantic Analysis.' That is, evaluating text based on it's overall meaning. In the world of psychology a lot of questions have been written to evaluate different personality factors. Many of them today are open source and there are large datasets available to train a computer on what semantic 'meaning' is associated with what traits. By comparing what a candidate actually says with this dataset of statements and proven associations to different traits, we can estimate the degree of a trait in an individual.

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Traits and Suggested Interview Questions

Trait Type Suggested Video Interview Question(s)
How do you adjust to changes you have no control over? (i.e your company gains new leadership/rules, a person from your team quits, an unforseen problem arrises with a product, etc.)
Note: Can be combined with Dealing with Ambiguity.
Competitive Spirit
What is the most competitive situation you have experienced? How did you handle it? What was the result?
Talk about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done.
Empathy and Emotional Self-Control
Describe a situation in which you were able to effectively "read" another person and guide your actions by your understanding of their individual needs or values.
Note: Can be combined with Depth.
Tell us about a specific time when you had to handle a tough problem which challenged fairness or ethnical issues.
Describe a time when you were asked to keep information confidential.
How do you adjust to changes you have no control over? (i.e your company gains new leadership/rules, a person from your team quits, an unforseen problem arrises with a product, etc.)
Describe the last time you got really stressed at work. Why were you stressed? How did you cope? What happened in the end?
Note: Can be combined with Stability.
Some people work best as part of a group ‐ others prefer the role of individual contributor. How would you describe yourself? Give an example of a situation where you felt you were most effective.
Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result.
Cultural Fit
Describe how you would feel and interact with others in a large social gathering.
Describe a time when you were sponaneous. What did you do? How did it make you feel?
Cultural Fit
Describe your the last team you were on (work or school). How well did you team get along? Were there any issues that occurred?
Note: Can be combined with Good Nature.
Cultural Fit
Describe a time when you had to take charge of a situation at work/school. How did you feel? How did others around you react?
Note: Can be combined with Insight.
Cultural Fit
Describe a time when something happened that made those around you flustered but you remained calm. If such event hasn't happened, describe a time when you were able to remain calmer than those around you.
Note: Can be combined with Poise.
Cultural Fit
Describe a time when you set a high goal for yourself. What was the goal? Were you able to complete it? Did you complete the goal by yourself or with the help of others?
Note: Can be combined with Complexity.
Cultural Fit
Describe a time when you set a high goal for yourself. What was the goal? Were you able to complete it? Did you complete the goal by yourself or with the help of others?
Note: Can be combined with Competence.
Cultural Fit
Describe a time when you had to understand and solve a difficult problem. What was the problem? What steps did you take to help yourself better understand the issue? Was the problem solved?
Note: Can be combined with Intellect.
Dealing with Ambiguity
Cultural Fit
How do you adjust to changes you have no control over? (i.e your company gains new leadership/rules, a person from your team quits, an unforseen problem arrises with a product, etc.) Do you like change?
Note: Can be combined with Adaptability.
Cultural Fit
Describe a situation in which you were able to effectively "read" another person and guide your actions by your understanding of their individual needs or values.
Note: Can be combined with Empathy and Emotional Self-Control.
Cultural Fit
Regardless of the role you are applying for, what is your interest in leadership opportunities? Do you seek them out?
Cultural Fit
Describe a time when you set a high goal for yourself. What was the goal? Were you able to complete it? Did you complete the goal by yourself or with the help of others? Did you complete it in the timeframe you set for yourself?
Note: Can be combined with Competence.
Cultural Fit
Describe a time when you set a high goal for yourself. What was the goal? Were you able to complete it? Did you complete the goal by yourself or with the help of others? How forceful were you when trying to complete the goal?
Note: Can be combined with Competence.
Good Nature
Cultural Fit
Describe your the last team you were on (work or school). How well did your team get along? Were there any issues that occurred?
Note: Can be combined with Amicability.
Cultural Fit
Talk about your outlook on life. How satisfied are you with your life as it is right now? What do you think is in store for you in the future? Do you expect things to get better or worse as time goes on? Why do you feel that way?
Note: Can be combined with Optimism.
Cultural Fit
Describe a time when you had to take charge of a situation at work/school. How did you feel? How did others around you react?
Note: Can be combined with Assertive.
Cultural Fit
Describe a time when you had to understand and solve a difficult problem. What was the problem? What steps did you take to help yourself better understand the issue? Was the problem solved?
Note: Can be combined with Comprehension.
Cultural Fit
What type of social activities do you enjoy?
How do you feel when you are introduced to new social situations?
Note: Can be combined with Sociability.
Cultural Fit
Describe a time when you had to take a risk. Why did you have to take the risk? What was the outcome? How did you determine if you should take the risk?
Cultural Fit
Talk about your outlook on life. How satisfied are you with your life as it is right now? What do you think is in store for you in the future? Do you expect things to get better or worse as time goes on? Why do you feel that way?
Note: Can be combined with Optimism.
Cultural Fit
Do you prefer well-defined/structured settings or settings that are more unstructured? Why?
Cultural Fit
Describe a time when something happened that made those around you flustered but you remained calm. If such event hasn't happened, describe a time when you were able to remain calmer than those around you.
Note: Can be combined with Calmness.
Cultural Fit
Describe your the last team you were on (work or school). How well did you team get along? Were there any issues that occurred?
Note: Can be combined with Amicability.
Cultural Fit
Describe a time when you went above and beyond to complete a goal. Were you able to complete the goal?
Describe a time went you set a high goal for yourself. What was the goal? Were you able to complete it? Did you complete the goal by yourself or with the help of others?
Note: Can be combined with Competence.
Cultural Fit
Describe a time when you had to take a risk. Why did you have to take the risk? What was the outcome? How did you determine if you should take the risk?
Note: Can be combined with Creative.
Cultural Fit
Describe a time when you had to take a risk. Why did you have to take the risk? What was the outcome? How did you determine if you should take the risk?
Note: Can be combined with Creative.
Cultural Fit
Describe a time went you set a high goal for yourself. What was the goal? Were you able to complete it? Did you complete the goal by yourself or with the help of others?
Note: Can be combined with Competence.
Cultural Fit
Describe a time went you set a high goal for yourself. What was the goal? Were you able to complete it? Did you complete the goal by yourself or with the help of others?
Note: Can be combined with Competence.
Cultural Fit
How emotionally attached are you to memories, objects, or experiences?
Do you feel you rely more on emotions or logic?
Cultural Fit
What type of social activities do you enjoy?
How do you feel when you are introduced to new social situations?
Note: Can be combined with Introversion.
Cultural Fit
How do you adjust to changes you have no control over? (i.e your company gains new leadership/rules, a person from your team quits, an unforseen problem arrises with a product, etc.)
Describe the last time you got really stressed at work. Why were you stressed? How did you cope? What happened in the end?
Note: Can be combined with Resilience.
Cultural Fit
Describe a time when someone had a opposing opinion from you. How did you handle the situation
Describe a time you had to collaborate with someone who had very different viewpoint from your own. How did you handle the situation.
Note: Can be combined with Tolerance.
Cultural Fit
What type of social activities do you enjoy?
How do you feel when you are introduced to unfamiliar social situations?
Note: Can be combined with Introversion.
Cultural Fit
Describe a time when someone had a opposing opinion from you. How did you handle the situation
Describe a time you had to collaborate with someone who had very different viewpoint from your own. How did you handle the situation.
Note: Can be combined with Temperance.

It may take some trial and error to achieve consistent results for the traits you are interested in. Please feel free to contact us anytime for assistance. We'd love to help!

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