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We try to keep things simple

There are lots of options available for employment testing, ranging from handwriting analysis to artificial intelligence systems. To help, we've assembled the following resources to basic information on the key regulations and concepts involved in using employment assessments.

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Testing Science
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Remote Test Proctoring
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Automated Reference Checks
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What Our Customers Say
"What I like most about HR Avatar is that it offers an easy and intelligent way to observe the candidate's skills. Plus, we can interview them in real time. I also loved that we can be sure to make the right decisions."
Salah L., Cserve Egypt
"HR Avatar helps determine which candidates are serious and qualified and are suitable for the required position. In the end, It solves hiring problems!"
Joao P., M&C Engenharia
"Overall, I like this software because of how useful it is for identifying the best candidates. It is simple and determines the right position for which we are hiring. I also like that I can navigate through its functions easily and without complications."
Tootern P., INFOWEST

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