Back   HR Avatar added to the Capterra Shortlist Report for Pre-employment Testing
October 5, 2021, 10:55:00 AM EDT

Capterra Shortlist 2021HR Avatar added to the Capterra Shortlist Report for Pre-employment Testing

Aldie, VA, October 5, 2021—HR Avatar announced today that the company has been named an Emerging Favorite in the Pre-employment Testing Software category by Capterra, a free online service that helps organizations find the right software.

Capterra Shortlist is an independent assessment that evaluates user reviews and online search activity to generate a list of market leaders in the Pre-employment Testing space that offer the most popular solutions. Read Capterra's Pre-employment Testing Software Shortlist report for more details.

Required disclaimer: Capterra Shortlist reports constitute the subjective opinions of individual end-user reviews, ratings and data applied against a documented methodology; they neither represent the views of, nor constitute an endorsement by, Capterra or its affiliates.

"We are thrilled to be recognized as an industry leader in pre-employment assessments." says Mike Russiello, President and Chief Executive Officer of HR Avatar, "Our goal is to be the must-have candidate evaluation package for companies worldwide - offering the best assessments, automated reference checking system, and video interviewing tool available."

HR Avatar Pre-employment Testing Features

  • Our tests give each candidate a whole-person assessment measuring cognitive ability, personality, emotional intelligence, behavioral history, and job-relevant skills and knowledge.
  • Easy to use. Search from our catalog of over 200 tests, administer the test to your candidate, and get the results quickly in a comprehensive detailed report.
  • We offer live video interviewing, reference checks, remote proctoring, and custom test creation that provide you with additional tools to help you make great hires.

About Capterra

Since 1999, Capterra has been the web's leading free resource for business software help with over 800 Software Categories, 50,000+ products, and over 1.5 million validated reviews.

Capterra is a Gartner company. For more information, visit

About HR Avatar, Inc.

Founded in 2009, HR Avatar is a privately held Virginia Corporation based outside Washington, D.C. in Aldie, VA. HR Avatar offers a broad catalog of pre-employment assessments, including over 200 simulation-based, whole-person assessments in multiple languages. Additionally, the company provides selection-focused video interviewing services, online automated reference checks, and secure remote test proctoring.

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