Career Interest Inventory


The new Career Interest Inventory is our second generation career-interest instrument. The test provides a fast but effective survey of a candidate's work-related interests and affinities and uses results to match to suggested job types using the US Government Occupational Information Network database (O*NET).

Note: This assessment is fully equivalent to the New Career Scout assessment. It appears under a second name (New Career Scout) to make it easy for customers to find.

Like many interest surveys, the Career Interest Inventory asks the candidate questions about what they like to do. However, this assessment also asks about activities they actually do or have done in the past. High levels of interest, correlated with actual activities for a strong indication of preferences and affinities.

The Career Interest Inventory also evaluates the candidate's Job Zone based on their work, education, and training experience, to match them with positions appropriate to their current history and educational accomplishment. Typically, 10-20 match positions, in priority order are presented. However, the report also lists the careers and positions available to them if they can advance their job zone by by one level, usually through pursuing additional education or training, or through experience.

The Career Interest Inventory job match report is automatically emailed to candidates and is also posted to the employer's online account. This can be disabled for clients who do not wish to have the report sent automatically.

Additionally, a HR Avatar customer accounts are set up to automatically offer the Career Interest Inventory as an optional assessment following any Job-Specific HR Avatar assessment. There is no additional cost to the candidate or the employer for this. This feature is enabled by default and is a great way to give the candidate something in return for taking the time to complete an assessment - at no additional cost to anyone. This way, the employer gets a score report providing objective, whole-person data on the test taker that can be used in determining whether to hire a person or not, while the candidate gets a professional job match report that helps them evaluate what types of jobs they appear to be best suited for, based on their interests. Note: Each candidate's actual assessment scores (other than their career interest scores) are not shared directly with the candidate.

Type:Interest Survey
Language:English (US)
Interests Evaluated:
  • Investigative
  • Social
  • Enterprising
  • Artistic
  • Conventional
  • Realistic
Language: Approximate Duration:

(Internal Use) pid=4762, CTB Direct Test

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"Amazing Service and Spot-On Testing"
"The value received far exceeds the price"
"Truly takes out the guess work"
"Hiring managers can easily understand the reports"
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