Abstract Reasoning


The Abstract Reasoning assessment is a fast, easy way to evaluate a candidate's ability to work with abstract concepts and to recognize spatial patterns.

Candidates who score high on this test are able to make sense of shapes and patterns. They can also apply logic to the patterns they recognize in order to solve problems.

The assessment draws on a randomized bank of questions to ensure test security. A single competency is measured: Abstract Reasoning

Important Note: This assessment evaluates a raw ability that is not directly related to specific job-related tasks. It should only be used under qualified supervision in countries or regions with strict anti-discrimination regulations. Please contact us for more information if you are considering this assessment.

Language:US English
Time to Complete:15 Minutes (Approximately)
Specifications:Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Mobile (any device with an internet browser)

(Internal Use) pid=5142, CTB Direct Test

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