Quick Cognitive Screen (General Office, Analytical Thinking Only)


Quick Cognitive Screen (Analytical Thinking Only, General Office)

The Quick Cognitive Screen (Analytical Thinking Only, General Office) is a pre-employment assessment that is designed to provide a fast measure of work-related cognitive ability. Research shows that cognitive ability is one of the strongest indicators of future job performance for nearly all jobs.

The Quick Cognitive Screen (Analytical Thinking Only, General Office) assessment has questions with work-related contexts commonly found in office environments. All questions are of medium difficulty and are individually timed. These questions are appropriate for most jobs classified within Occupational Information Network (O*Net) Job Zones 2 and 3.

Candidates who score high on this test are likely to be able to learn various aspects of the job quickly. They are also typically strong problem solvers and tend to be organized and industrious.

This test typically takes less than 10 minutes to complete, making it useful as a screening tool applied early in the hiring process.

This test is mobile ready and operates on desktops, laptops and most modern mobile devices.

The assessment measures a single competency:

  • Analytical Thinking

The results report provides a description of this scale, as well as sample interview questions to help hiring managers probe further when the score causes concern.

A key aspect of this assessment that distinguishes it from similar tests on the market is it uses only work-related questions. Most cognitive ability tests use abstract questions and/or or cartoon-like games, which can lead candidates to questions the relevancy of the assessment to the job they are applying for. By sticking with work-related questions relevant to administrative roles only, our assessment avoids this issue completely.

Language: US English
Time to Complete: 10 Minutes (Approximately)
Specifications: Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Mobile (any device with an internet browser)

(Internal Use) pid=5325, CTB Direct Test

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"Amazing Service and Spot-On Testing"
"The value received far exceeds the price"
"Truly takes out the guess work"
"Hiring managers can easily understand the reports"
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