Australian English Spoken Language Skills


The Australian English Spoken Language Skills assessment represents a great leap forward in pre-hire testing technology. The test evaluates a person's ability to carry on a verbal conversation with a native Australian English speaker. Test takers utilize both their web browser to speak, read, and listen in English.

The assessment leverages multiple modern technologies for voice recognition, speech-to-text, natural language processing, auto-translation, and machine learning-based essay scoring and presentation analysis to evaluate the ability of a person to carry on a natural conversation in a specific language.

This assessment goes farther than virtually any other voice test by measuring the way other humans will perceive the speaking style of the test taker. Referred to a either Positive or Negative Vibes, these attributes speak volumes about how effective this test taker will be at communicating.

The specific attributes and vibes measured include:

Compulsory Oral and Aural Skills and Abilities
  • Speaking Clearly
  • Hearing, Understanding, and Responding
  • Repeating Back Clearly
  Free-Form Speaking Abilities
  • Sharing Thoughts Clearly
  • Pace Variety
  • Volume Variety
  • Pitch Variety
  • Clarity
  • Strength of Opening
Positive Vibes
  • Assertive
  • Authentic
  • Captivating
  • Clear
  • Confident
  • Energetic
  • Organized
  • Persuasive
  Negative Vibes
  • Arrogant
  • Belligerent
  • Boring
  • Condescending
  • Confusing
  • Detached
  • Ditsy
  • Nervous
  • Pushy
  • Timid
  • Unapproachable

Following completion, the test produces a Test Result and Interview Guide that includes an overall score and detailed scores for each attribute. The overall score is a weighted average of each of the factors. The report also provides expert interview questions that help you probe critical or low-scoring areas, along with a guide for noting your evaluation of the test-taker's responses. Consistent use of an interview guide is an important part of gaining better candidate insights and making better staffing and selection decisions.

Language: English (AU)
Time to Complete: 15 Minutes (Approximately)
Requires: Access to the Internet and a device with speakers or other sound device and a microphone.
Skills Category: Language Skills
Language: Approximate Duration:

(Internal Use) pid=5421, CTB Direct Test

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