Workplace Simulation - Essential Service Worker


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Workplace Simulation - Essential Service Worker

Workplace Simulation - Essential Service Worker

The HR Avatar Workplace Simulation - Essential Service Worker Assessment is designed to help you hire lower-level, rank-and-file service staff in your organization. The simulation places the candidate in a generic work environment and evaluates basic cognitive ability. Cognitive ability has been linked to overall job performance in most jobs and correlates with a candidate's ability to learn new skills and to solve complex problems.

Please note that this assessment represents the simulation portion only. For a more wholistic evaluation of each candidate, that includes cognitive ability, personality, past behaviors, and other dimensions, please refer to our Job-Specific Essential Service Worker assessment.

The Essential Service Worker assessment can be used for a wide variety of service and support positions. Some example job titles include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Retail Clerks
  • Housekeepers
  • Attendants
  • Groundskeepers
  • Janitorial Staff
  • Concierge
  • Restaurant Staff
  • Receptionists
  • Administrative Support Staff

Unlike our other assessments, the Essential Service Worker Assessment has a simplified cognitive test with less math-based questions and more focus on attention to detail, memory and logic/reasoning. It includes an animated work simulation that immerses candidates into the work environment.

The specific attributes measured include:

Cognitive Ability
  • Attention to Detail / Memory / Logic & Reasoning

Following completion, the test produces a Candidate Selection Report that includes an overall score and detailed scores for each attribute.

The Candidate Selection Report also provides expert interview questions that help you probe critical or low-scoring areas, along with a guide for noting your evaluation of the candidate's responses. Consistent use of an interview guide is an important part of gaining better candidate insights and making better hiring decisions.

Language:English (US)
Time to Complete:10 Minutes (Approximately)

(Internal Use) pid=5970, CTB Direct Test

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