First-Line Supervisor - Office and Administrative Support


A Short Version of this test is available.   What's the Difference?

Candidates typically need about 45 minutes to complete our full-length job-specific assessments. Our short versions take less than half that time. Like our standard assessments, these tests are based on the U.S. Government Occupational Information Network (O*Net). They do not contain the animated simulation module, however, though they still provide valuable information about all critical performance-related dimensions. Additionally, the short versions optionally include 1-2 virtual video interview questions! Click below for more information:

First-Line Supervisor - Office and Administrative Support (Short)
About the job

First-Line Supervisor - Office and Administrative Support

Directly supervise and coordinate the activities of clerical and administrative support workers.

Top activities and tasks for this job:
  • Working with Computers
  • Supervise the work of office, administrative, or customer service employees to ensure adherence to quality standards, deadlines, and proper procedures, correcting errors or problems.
  • Resolve customer complaints or answer customers' questions regarding policies and procedures.
  • Provide employees with guidance in handling difficult or complex problems or in resolving escalated complaints or disputes.
  • Getting Information
  • Making Decisions and Solving Problems
  • Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates
  • Processing Information

About the test (Full Version)

The First-Line Supervisor - Office and Administrative Support Pre-Employment Assessment was designed to help you hire staff in this role. The test provides a whole-person evaluation by measuring job-relevant cognitive ability, personality, knowledge, skills, and relevant behavioral history. Each component provides important data for hiring decisions. Cognitive ability has been linked to overall job performance in most jobs and correlates with a candidate's ability to learn new skills and to solve complex problems. Personality characteristics determine how well the candidate will fit-in with a corporate culture. Knowledge and skills indicate how much training will be needed before a new employee becomes productive. Finally, relevant behavioral history detects counter-productive behaviors that can impact job performance.

The First-Line Supervisor - Office and Administrative Support test includes an animated work simulation in which candidates meet customers, colleagues and supervisors in a job-related context. Post-test surveys indicate the majority of candidates react favorably to these simulations. This test also contains an automatically-scored essay component. Writing is a key skill for many jobs and also demonstrates the ability to generate, organize, and communicate relevant ideas effectively.

The specific attributes measured include:

Cognitive Ability
  • Analytical Thinking and Attention to Detail
  Knowledge and Skills
  • First-Line Supervisory Fundamentals
  • Writing
  • Adaptability
  • Drive
  • Integrity
  • Leader Mindset
  • Maintaining Awareness of Team Member Needs
  • Managing Resources & Balancing Priorities
  • Resilience
  • Teamwork
  Emotional Intelligence
  • Empathy and Emotional Self-Control
Behavioral History
  • History Survey - Performance
  • History Survey - Tenure

Following completion, the test produces a Candidate Selection Report that includes an overall score and detailed scores for each attribute. The overall score weighs each of the factors based on research and analysis from the U.S. Government's Occupational Information Network (O*Net). O*Net represents over a decade of dedicated research evaluating the relative importance of various factors that lead to success in almost 1,000 different job roles.

The Candidate Selection Report also provides expert interview questions that help you probe critical or low-scoring areas, along with a guide for noting your evaluation of the candidate's responses. Consistent use of an interview guide is an important part of gaining better candidate insights and making better hiring decisions.

Language:English (US)
Time to Complete:40 Minutes (Approximately)
O*Net SOC Code:43-1011.00
Simulation Context:Supervisory or Team Leadership
O*Net Context:Office and Administrative Support
More information about this Job
Annual US Wages (2023)
Bottom 10%:
$41,060 or less
Bottom 25%:
$50,160 or less
$63,450 (Average)
Top 25%:
$79,690 or more
Top 10%:
$100,270 or more

Hourly US Wages (2023)
Bottom 10%:
$19.74 or less
Bottom 25%:
$24.12 or less
$30.50 (Average)
Top 25%:
$38.31 or more
Top 10%:
$48.21 or more

US Employment Statistics
2033 (projected):
Annual U.S. Job Openings:138,100

Top Knowledge Requirements
  • Administration and Management
  • Customer and Personal Service
  • English Language
  • Administrative
  • Computers and Electronics
  • Personnel and Human Resources
  • Economics and Accounting
  • Education and Training
Top Skills
  • Active Listening
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Speaking
  • Coordination
  • Monitoring
  • Social Perceptiveness
  • Critical Thinking
  • Management of Personnel Resources
Top Abilities
  • Oral Comprehension
  • Written Comprehension
  • Oral Expression
  • Speech Clarity
  • Speech Recognition
  • Written Expression
  • Problem Sensitivity
  • Information Ordering
Education Requirements
High School Diploma:
Some College:
Associate's Degree (2 yr):
Bachelor's Degree:
This graphic shows the percentage of people in this role who have their highest education in each category.
Related Work Experience Requirements
6 Months - 1 Year:
1 - 2 Years:
2 - 4 Years:
4 - 6 Years:
More than 10 Years:
This graphic shows the percentage of people in this role whose related work experience before they entered this position falls into each category.

Alternate Titles for this Role: Accounting Administrator, Accounting Clerks Supervisor, Accounting Director, Accounting Manager, Accounting Supervisor, Accounts Payable Manager, Accounts Payable Supervisor, Accounts Receivable Manager, Accounts Receivable Supervisor, Adjustment Supervisor, Administrative Coordinator, Administrative Officer, Administrative Supervisor, Admissions Supervisor, Admitting Officer, Advertising Dispatch Clerks Supervisor, Agency Appointments Supervisor, Airline Ticket Sales and Reservations Supervisor, Animal Hospital Office Supervisor, Assembly Stock Supervisor, Audit Clerks Supervisor, Auto Club Safety Program Coordinator, Automobile Club Safety Program Coordinator, Automotive Service Advisor, Baggage Agent Supervisor, Banking Supervisor, Billing Administrator, Billing Department Supervisor, Billing Supervisor, Booking Supervisor, Bookkeepers Supervisor, Bookkeeping Clerks Supervisor, Boxing and Pressing Supervisor, Business Manager, Business Office Manager, Call Center Director, Call Center Manager, Call Center Supervisor, Cargo Supervisor, Cashiers Supervisor, Central Office Operator Supervisor, Central Office Telephone Operators Supervisor, Central Supply Manager, Central Supply Supervisor, Central Supply Technician Supervisor, Claims Adjuster Supervisor, Claims Supervisor, Classified Advertising Supervisor, Clerical Supervisor, Clerk Supervisor, Coding Clerks Supervisor, Coin Machine Collector Supervisor, Collection Supervisor, Collections Manager, Communication Center Coordinator, Complaint Evaluation Supervisor, Computer Operations Supervisor, Contact and Service Clerks Supervisor, Correspondence Section Supervisor, Cost and Sales Record Supervisor, Cost Control Supervisor, Credit and Loan Collections Supervisor, Customer Care Manager, Customer Complaint Service Supervisor, Customer Manager, Customer Records Division Supervisor, Customer Service Administrator, Customer Service Director, Customer Service Manager, Customer Service Representative Supervisor, Customer Service Supervisor, Customer Services Supervisor, Data Control Clerk Supervisor, Data Entry Supervisor, Data Processing Supervisor, Delivery Department Supervisor, Dispatch Manager, Documentation Supervisor, Facilities Manager, Field Service Manager, Files Supervisor, Film Vault Supervisor, Financial Aid Director, Flight Reservations Manager, Floor Space Allocator, Food Checkers and Cashiers Supervisor, Force Adjustment Supervisor, Front End Manager, Front Office Manager, Front Office Supervisor, Gate Services Supervisor, Home Energy Consultant Supervisor, Hospital Admissions Officer, Inventory Administrator, Inventory Control Manager, Inventory Control Supervisor, Inventory Specialist Manager, Keypunch Operators Supervisor, Lending Activities Supervisor, Machine Records Units Supervisor, Magazine Supervisor, Mail Carriers Supervisor, Mail Clerks Supervisor, Mail Sorting Supervisor, Mail Supervisor, Mailing Manager, Mailroom Supervisor, Marking Room Supervisor, Medical Billing Manager, Medical Billing Supervisor, Meter Readers Supervisor, Money Room Supervisor, Office Coordinator, Office Manager, Office Services Supervisor, Office Supervisor, Operators School Manager, Order Takers Supervisor, Passenger Service Supervisor, Pay Station Department Manager, Payroll Administrator, Payroll Manager, Payroll Master, Payroll Supervisor, PBX Supervisor (Private Branch Exchange Supervisor), Personnel Clerks Supervisor, Petroleum Inspector Supervisor, Policy Change Clerks Supervisor, Postal Supervisor, Practice Manager, Production Clerks Supervisor, Production Control Supervisor, Proof Machine Operator Supervisor, Property Master, Public Message Service Supervisor, Purchasing and Claims Supervisor, Rate Supervisor, Real Estate Office Supervisor, Records Supervisor, Regulatory Administrator, Route Supervisor, Sack Department Supervisor, Safety Deposit Supervisor, Schedule Supervisor, Script Supervisor, Securities Vault Supervisor, Services Manager, Space Control Supervisor, Staff Services Manager, Statement Clerks Manager, Statement Clerks Supervisor, Steno Pool Supervisor, Stock Control Supervisor, Stock Room Manager, Stock Supervisor, Stockroom Supervisor, Support Manager, Survey Workers Supervisor, Switchboard Operator Supervisor, Tabulating Supervisor, Tariff Supervisor, Telecommunicator Supervisor, Telegraphic Typewriter Operators Supervisor, Telephone Clerks Supervisor, Telephone Information Supervisor, Telephone Operators Supervisor, Telephone Order Supervisor, Telephone Solicitor Supervisor, Teller Supervisor, Tellers Supervisor, Ticket Sales Supervisor, Timekeeping Supervisor, Toll Collector Supervisor, Tool Crib Manager, Tool Crib Supervisor, Transcribing Operators Supervisor, Travel Information Center Supervisor, Trust Accounts Supervisor, Typing Pool Supervisor, Typists Supervisor, Underwriting Clerks Supervisor, Want Ad Supervisor, Ward Service Supervisor, Warranty Administrator, Warranty Manager, Weigh Boss, Word Processing Supervisor

Related Jobs based on Skills & Abilities: First-Line Supervisors of Non-Retail Sales Workers, First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers, First-Line Supervisors of Helpers, Laborers, and Material Movers, Hand, First-Line Supervisors of Housekeeping and Janitorial Workers, First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers, First-Line Supervisors of Material-Moving Machine and Vehicle Operators, First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers, Administrative Services Managers, First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers, General and Operations Managers, Human Resources Specialists, Human Resources Assistants, Except Payroll and Timekeeping, Payroll and Timekeeping Clerks, First-Line Supervisors of Personal Service Workers, Management Analysts, First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers

(Internal Use) pid=6157, CTB Direct Test

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