Workplace Simulation - Technician


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About the test

Workplace Simulation - Technician

The Workplace Simulation - Technician assessment is designed to measure several critical competencies required of most technicians. Attention to Detail and Analytical Thinking are measured and reported in the final score report. A combined, overall score is also calculated.

Cognitive pre-employment testing has been proven over time to be one of the most effective means of predicting job performance. For example, candidates with a high degree of cognitive ability are likely to complete most training programs successfully, and they can also learn new things quickly on the job.

Our cognitive employment assessments go one step further than similar tests sold by our competitors, because they use animation to simulate real-world work scenarios and situations. The result is that candidates feel like they have been measured fairly, and they are far more engaged in the testing - and hence the hiring - experience.

This employment test simulates a generic technician's work context. Candidates evaluate supplies of materials versus usage and analyze performance data against specified standards. Additionally, they help devise a sampling plan to ensure quality and evaluate different purchase options. The test can be completed on any desktop, tablet, or mobile-device with an internet connection.

Language:US English
Time to Complete:15 Minutes (Approximately)
Specifications:Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Mobile (any device with an internet browser)
Note:This test contains questions that are difficult to complete on small screens. A large screen device, such as a laptop, desktop, or tablet is recommended. Test-takers using small devices will be advised to change to a larger screen device.

(Internal Use) pid=6160, CTB Direct Test

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