Operator - Machine - Metal and Plastic


A Short Version of this test is available.   What's the Difference?

Candidates typically need about 45 minutes to complete our full-length job-specific assessments. Our short versions take less than half that time. Like our standard assessments, these tests are based on the U.S. Government Occupational Information Network (O*Net). They do not contain the animated simulation module, however, though they still provide valuable information about all critical performance-related dimensions. Additionally, the short versions optionally include 1-2 virtual video interview questions! Click below for more information:

Operator - Machine - Metal and Plastic (Short)
About the job

Operator - Machine - Metal and Plastic

Set up, operate, or tend machines to saw, cut, shear, slit, punch, crimp, notch, bend, or straighten metal or plastic material.

Top activities and tasks for this job:
  • Measure completed workpieces to verify conformance to specifications, using micrometers, gauges, calipers, templates, or rulers.
  • Examine completed workpieces for defects, such as chipped edges or marred surfaces and sort defective pieces according to types of flaws.
  • Set stops on machine beds, change dies, and adjust components, such as rams or power presses, when making multiple or successive passes.
  • Start machines, monitor their operations, and record operational data.
  • Set up, operate, or tend machines to saw, cut, shear, slit, punch, crimp, notch, bend, or straighten metal or plastic material.
  • Test and adjust machine speeds or actions, according to product specifications, using gauges and hand tools.
  • Install, align, and lock specified punches, dies, cutting blades, or other fixtures in rams or beds of machines, using gauges, templates, feelers, shims, and hand tools.
  • Read work orders or production schedules to determine specifications, such as materials to be used, locations of cutting lines, or dimensions and tolerances.

About the test (Full Version)

The Operator - Machine - Metal and Plastic Pre-Employment Assessment was designed to help you hire staff in this role. The test provides a whole-person evaluation by measuring job-relevant cognitive ability, personality, knowledge, skills, and relevant behavioral history. Each component provides important data for hiring decisions. Cognitive ability has been linked to overall job performance in most jobs and correlates with a candidate's ability to learn new skills and to solve complex problems. Personality characteristics determine how well the candidate will fit-in with a corporate culture. Knowledge and skills indicate how much training will be needed before a new employee becomes productive. Finally, relevant behavioral history detects counter-productive behaviors that can impact job performance.

The Operator - Machine - Metal and Plastic test includes an animated work simulation in which candidates meet customers, colleagues and supervisors in a job-related context. Post-test surveys indicate the majority of candidates react favorably to these simulations.

The specific attributes measured include:

Cognitive Ability
  • Analytical Thinking and Attention to Detail
  • Mechanical Aptitude
  Behavioral History
  • History Survey - Performance
  • History Survey - Tenure
  • Adaptability
  • Drive
  • Integrity
  • Resilience
  • Teamwork

Following completion, the test produces a Candidate Selection Report that includes an overall score and detailed scores for each attribute. The overall score weighs each of the factors based on research and analysis from the U.S. Government's Occupational Information Network (O*Net). O*Net represents over a decade of dedicated research evaluating the relative importance of various factors that lead to success in almost 1,000 different job roles.

The Candidate Selection Report also provides expert interview questions that help you probe critical or low-scoring areas, along with a guide for noting your evaluation of the candidate's responses. Consistent use of an interview guide is an important part of gaining better candidate insights and making better hiring decisions.

Language:English (US)
Time to Complete:40 Minutes (Approximately)
O*Net SOC Code:51-4031.00
Simulation Context:Technician-Oriented
O*Net Context:Production
More information about this Job
Annual US Wages (2023)
Bottom 10%:
$32,640 or less
Bottom 25%:
$36,620 or less
$42,400 (Average)
Top 25%:
$49,030 or more
Top 10%:
$59,810 or more

Hourly US Wages (2023)
Bottom 10%:
$15.69 or less
Bottom 25%:
$17.61 or less
$20.39 (Average)
Top 25%:
$23.57 or more
Top 10%:
$28.76 or more

US Employment Statistics
2033 (projected):
Annual U.S. Job Openings:15,100

Top Knowledge Requirements
  • Mechanical
  • Production and Processing
  • Mathematics
  • English Language
Top Skills
  • Operations Monitoring
  • Operation and Control
  • Quality Control Analysis
  • Monitoring
  • Active Listening
  • Troubleshooting
  • Critical Thinking
  • Speaking
Top Abilities
  • Arm-Hand Steadiness
  • Control Precision
  • Near Vision
  • Manual Dexterity
  • Problem Sensitivity
  • Reaction Time
  • Selective Attention
  • Multilimb Coordination
Education Requirements
No High School Diploma:
High School Diploma:
Post-Secondary Certificate:
Some College:
This graphic shows the percentage of people in this role who have their highest education in each category.
Related Work Experience Requirements
Less than 1 Month:
1 - 3 Months:
6 Months - 1 Year:
1 - 2 Years:
2 - 4 Years:
4 - 6 Years:
This graphic shows the percentage of people in this role whose related work experience before they entered this position falls into each category.

Alternate Titles for this Role: Adjuster, Angle Shear Operator, Angle Shear Set Up Operator, Arbor Press Operator, Automatic Punch-Press Operator, Automatic Screwmaker, Automobile Bumper Straightener, Bander Operator, Banding Machine Operator, Bench Shear Operator, Bender Machine Operator, Bending Machine Set Up Operator, Bending Roll Hand, Bending Roll Operator, Beveler, Billet Cutter, Billet Shearer, Blanker, Bliss Press Operator, Body Press Operator, Bolt Cutter, Brake Machine Operator, Brake Operator, Brake Press Operator, Brass Cutter, Bullet Assembly Press Operator, Calender Roll Press Operator, Can Cutter, Center Punch Operator, Clearance Cutter, Clincher, Clinching Machine Operator, Coil Cutter, Coil Shaper, Cold Saw Operator, Corner Former, Crimping Machine Operator, Crimping Press Operator, Cut-Off Machine Operator, Cut-Off Saw Set-Up Operator, Cutter, Cutting and Creasing Press Operator, Debridging Machine Operator, Diamond Saw Operator, Dicer Operator, Die Cutter, Die Setter, Digital Press Operator, Dimpling Machine Operator, Dinkey Press Operator, Draw Press Operator, Drawing Press Operator, Duplicator Punch Operator, Duplicator Punch Set Up Operator, Equipment Technician, Fabrication Machine Operator, Fabrication Operator, Filament Cutter, Finish Saw Operator, Flexo Press Operator, Flying Shear Operator, Folder Machine Operator, Folding Machine Operator, Foot Press Operator, Forming Press Operator, Four Slide Machine Setter, Four Slide Operator, Friction Saw Operator, Gasket Former, Gasket Maker, Hack Saw Operator, Hammer Mill Operator, Hammer Operator, Heavy Duty Press Operator, Hoop Puncher, Hot Dimpling Machine Operator, Hot Punch Press Operator, Hot Saw Operator, Hot Stamp Operator, Hydropress Operator, Iron Bender, Jigsawyer, Joggle Press Operator, Key Cutter, Kick Press Operator, Kick Press Setter, Knuckle Bender, Last Sawyer, Link Cutter, Machine Operator, Machine Operator Slitter Technician, Machine Setter, Machining Associate, Manufacturing Assistant, Manufacturing Associate, Manufacturing Operator, Metal and Plastic Sawing Machine Tool Setter, Metal and Plastic Shear and Slitter Machine Setter, Metal Bending Machine Operator, Metal Bonding Press Operator, Metal Crimping Machine Operator, Metal Cut-Off Saw Operator, Metal Cut-Off Saw Tender, Metal Cutter, Metal Punch Press Operator, Metal Shaping Machine Operator, Metal Slitter, Metal Stamper, Metal Stamping Machine Operator, Metal Trimmer, Metal Tube Cutter, Metallic Yarn Slitting Machine Operator, Mottle Lay Up Operator, Nibbler Operator, Notcher, Notching Machine Operator, Nut Blanker Operator, Perforator Operator, Pierce and Shave Press Operator, Pipe Bender, Pipe Stem Sawyer, Planisher, Planishing Press Operator, Plastic Cutter, Plastic Press Operator, Plate Slitter and Inspector, Pneumatic Press Hand, Power Brake Operator, Power Press Tender, Press Brake Machine Set-Up Operator, Press Brake Machine Setter, Press Brake Operator, Press Machine Operator, Press Operator, Press Setter, Press Setup Operator, Printed Circuit Board Panels Trimmer, Printed Circuit Boards Die Set-Up Operator, Profile Saw Operator, Profile Saw Setup Operator, Profile Trimmer, Punch Machine Hand, Punch Machine Operator, Punch Operator, Punch Press Operator, Punch Press Setter, Punch-Press Operator, Rivet Hole Puncher, Rotary Shear Operator, Saw Operator, Sawyer, Scrap Cutter, Scraper, Screw Cutter, Set-Up Operator, Setup Technician, Shear Operator, Shear Setter, Shearman, Sheeter Operator, Sinter Press Operator, Sintering Press Operator, Sizing Machine Operator, Slasher, Slat Twister, Slitter Operator, Slitter Service and Setter, Slitting Machine Operator, Snap Shearer, Spring Coiling Machine Setter, Spring Tester, Square Cutter, Stamp Press Operator, Stamping Press Operator, Steel Cutter, Straight Line Press Setter, Straightener, Straightening Machine Operator, Straightening Press Operator, Stretcher Operator, Strip Metal Punch and Straightener Operator, Swage Tender, Swaging Machine Adjuster, Sweep Press Operator, Table Saw Operator, Tablet Machine Operator, Tape Control Turret Punch-Press Operator, Terminal Press Operator, Thermal Cutting Machine Operator, Tin Cutter, Toggle Press Operator, Trim Machine Adjuster, Trimmer Machine Operator, Trimming Machine Operator, Tube Cutter, Tubing Machine Tender, Turret Punch-Press Operator, Twisting Machine Operator, Under Cutter, Under Cutting Machine Operator, Vertical Contour Band-Saw Operator, Vertical Punch Operator, Web Press Operator, Wheel Press Operator, Wheel Presser, Wire Coiner, Wire Cutter, Wire Machine Cutter, Wire Sawyer, Wire Straightener, Wire Turning Machine Operator, Zipper Cutter, Zipper Trimmer

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