Claims Adjuster, Examiner, Investigator


A Short Version of this test is available.   What's the Difference?

Candidates typically need about 45 minutes to complete our full-length job-specific assessments. Our short versions take less than half that time. Like our standard assessments, these tests are based on the U.S. Government Occupational Information Network (O*Net). They do not contain the animated simulation module, however, though they still provide valuable information about all critical performance-related dimensions. Additionally, the short versions optionally include 1-2 virtual video interview questions! Click below for more information:

Claims Adjuster, Examiner, Investigator (Short)
About the job

Claims Adjuster, Examiner, Investigator

Review settled claims to determine that payments and settlements are made in accordance with company practices and procedures. Confer with legal counsel on claims requiring litigation. May also settle insurance claims.

Top activities and tasks for this job:
  • Examine claims forms and other records to determine insurance coverage.
  • Analyze information gathered by investigation and report findings and recommendations.
  • Review police reports, medical treatment records, medical bills, or physical property damage to determine the extent of liability.
  • Investigate and assess damage to property and create or review property damage estimates.
  • Interview or correspond with agents and claimants to correct errors or omissions and to investigate questionable claims.
  • Working with Computers
  • Interview or correspond with claimants, witnesses, police, physicians, or other relevant parties to determine claim settlement, denial, or review.
  • Investigate, evaluate, and settle claims, applying technical knowledge and human relations skills to effect fair and prompt disposal of cases and to contribute to a reduced loss ratio.

About the test (Full Version)

The Claims Adjuster, Examiner, Investigator Pre-Employment Assessment was designed to help you hire staff in this role. The test provides a whole-person evaluation by measuring job-relevant cognitive ability, personality, knowledge, skills, and relevant behavioral history. Each component provides important data for hiring decisions. Cognitive ability has been linked to overall job performance in most jobs and correlates with a candidate's ability to learn new skills and to solve complex problems. Personality characteristics determine how well the candidate will fit-in with a corporate culture. Knowledge and skills indicate how much training will be needed before a new employee becomes productive. Finally, relevant behavioral history detects counter-productive behaviors that can impact job performance.

The Claims Adjuster, Examiner, Investigator test includes an animated work simulation in which candidates meet customers, colleagues and supervisors in a job-related context. Post-test surveys indicate the majority of candidates react favorably to these simulations. This test also contains an automatically-scored essay component. Writing is a key skill for many jobs and also demonstrates the ability to generate, organize, and communicate relevant ideas effectively.

The specific attributes measured include:

Cognitive Ability
  • Analytical Thinking and Attention to Detail
  Knowledge and Skills
  • Writing
  • Adaptability
  • Drive
  • Integrity
  • Resilience
  • Teamwork
  Emotional Intelligence
  • Empathy and Emotional Self-Control
Behavioral History
  • History Survey - Performance
  • History Survey - Tenure

Following completion, the test produces a Candidate Selection Report that includes an overall score and detailed scores for each attribute. The overall score weighs each of the factors based on research and analysis from the U.S. Government's Occupational Information Network (O*Net). O*Net represents over a decade of dedicated research evaluating the relative importance of various factors that lead to success in almost 1,000 different job roles.

The Candidate Selection Report also provides expert interview questions that help you probe critical or low-scoring areas, along with a guide for noting your evaluation of the candidate's responses. Consistent use of an interview guide is an important part of gaining better candidate insights and making better hiring decisions.

Language:English (US)
Time to Complete:40 Minutes (Approximately)
O*Net SOC Code:13-1031.00
Simulation Context:Lower-Level Business Finance
O*Net Context:Business and Financial Operations
More information about this Job
Annual US Wages (2023)
Bottom 10%:
$47,390 or less
Bottom 25%:
$58,770 or less
$75,050 (Average)
Top 25%:
$91,100 or more
Top 10%:
$105,440 or more

US Employment Statistics
2033 (projected):
Annual U.S. Job Openings:20,900

Top Knowledge Requirements
  • Customer and Personal Service
  • English Language
  • Law and Government
  • Administrative
  • Mathematics
  • Administration and Management
  • Computers and Electronics
Top Skills
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Critical Thinking
  • Active Listening
  • Speaking
  • Writing
  • Negotiation
  • Judgment and Decision Making
  • Active Learning
Top Abilities
  • Written Comprehension
  • Oral Comprehension
  • Oral Expression
  • Deductive Reasoning
  • Inductive Reasoning
  • Speech Clarity
  • Problem Sensitivity
  • Written Expression

Alternate Titles for this Role: Accident Investigator, Adjuster, Adjustment Clerk, Benefit Authorizer, Claim Adjuster, Claim Agent, Claim Approver, Claim Auditor, Claim Examiner, Claim Inspector, Claim Investigator, Claim Processor, Claim Representative, Claims Account Specialist, Claims Adjuster, Claims Adjustor, Claims Analyst, Claims Auditor, Claims Consultant, Claims Examiner, Claims Investigator, Claims Representative, Claims Service Adjustor, Claims Service Specialist, Claims Specialist, Clerical Adjuster, Commercial Insurance Inspector, Compensation Adjuster, Corporate Claims Examiner, Customer Care Specialist, Disability Analyst, Disability Examiner, Disability Specialist, Estimator, Field Investigator, Field Liability Generalist, Fire Adjuster, Fire Claims Adjuster, General Adjuster, Health Claims Examiner, Health Insurance Adjuster, Home Office Claim Specialist, Home Office Claims Examiner, Independent Insurance Adjuster, Insurance Adjuster, Insurance Appraiser, Insurance Auditor, Insurance Claims Adjuster, Insurance Examiner, Insurance Fraud Investigator, Insurance Inspector, Liability Claims Examiner, Liability Claims Representative, Litigation Claim Representative, Litigation Examiner, Medical Claims Analyst, Medical Claims Examiner, Medical Claims Specialist, Property Adjuster, Property and Casualty Insurance Claims Examiner, Property Claims Adjuster, Property Damage Claims Adjustor, Property Inspector, Reinsurance Claim Analyst, Reinsurance Claims Analyst, Residential Insurance Inspector, Salvage Determiner, Worker's Compensation Claims Examiner, Workers Compensation Claims Adjuster, Workers Compensation Claims Examiner, Workers Compensation Examiner

Related Jobs based on Skills & Abilities: Insurance Claims and Policy Processing Clerks, Eligibility Interviewers, Government Programs, Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists, Credit Authorizers, Checkers, and Clerks, Fraud Examiners, Investigators and Analysts, Compliance Officers, Insurance Sales Agents, Insurance Underwriters, Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents, Appraisers and Assessors of Real Estate, Lawyers, Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers, Customer Service Representatives, Title Examiners, Abstractors, and Searchers, Private Detectives and Investigators, Paralegals and Legal Assistants, Government Property Inspectors and Investigators, Legal Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Arbitrators, Mediators, and Conciliators, Billing and Posting Clerks

(Internal Use) pid=6228, CTB Direct Test

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