Career Scout (Foundation Level) (Dutch)


The Career Scout (Foundation Level) (Dutch) is a combination pre-hire / career mapping assessment that measures a general set of work-related competencies that apply to most jobs, as well as the test-taker's interests, experience, education, and training. It is the first whole person assessment that can be used simultaneously for both pre-employment selection and individual career development.

The test provides true whole-person evaluation by measuring a broad spectrum of job-relevant dimensions, including cognitive ability, personality, knowledge, skills, behavioral history, interests, experience, education, and training level. Each component provides important data for hiring decisions as well as identifying the job types for which the test-taker is best suited. For example, cognitive ability has been linked to overall job performance in most jobs and correlates with a candidate's ability to learn new skills and to solve complex problems, while personality characteristics determine how well the candidate will fit-in with a corporate culture, and knowledge and skills indicate how much training will be needed before a new employee becomes productive. Additionally, relevant behavioral history detects counter-productive behaviors that can impact job performance as well as the likelihood of pre-mature voluntary turnover.

Career Scout (Foundation Level) is geared for job seekers who are new graduates and who have not attended college or university. For job seekers who have attended one or more years of college or university, please consider Career Scout (Level 2) and Career Scout (Level 3) for job seekers who have obtained a four year degree from a college or university.

The assessment includes an animated work simulation in a generic work context . Post-test surveys indicate the majority of candidates react favorably to these simulations. This test also contains an automatically-scored essay component. Writing is a key skill for many jobs and also demonstrates the ability to generate, organize, and communicate relevant ideas effectively.

The specific attributes measured include:

Cognitive Ability
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Attention to Detail
  • Multitasking
  Knowledge and Skills
  • Writing
  • Adaptable
  • Competitive
  • Corporate Citizenship
  • Develops Relationships
  • Enjoys Problem-Solving
  • Exhibits a Positive Work Attitude
  • Expressive and Outgoing
  • Innovative and Creative
  • Needs Structure
  • Seeks Perfection
  Emotional Intelligence
  • Emotional Self-Awareness
  • Emotional Self-Control
  • Empathy
Behavioral History
  • History Survey - Performance
  • History Survey - Tenure
  • Realistic - Preference for working with things vs people or ideas
  • Investigative - Preference for intellectual, introspective, and analytical tasks
  • Artistic - Preference for working with ideas, abstractions, and concepts
  • Social - Preference for socializing with or helping people
  • Enterprising - Preference for being in charge, taking risks, competing
  • Conventional - Preference for orderly, organized, thorough, and detail-oriented activities

Following completion, the test produces two reports, one of which is automatically emailed to the candidate, while both are provided to the employer. The Candidate Selection Report is provided exclusively to the employer. This report includes an overall score and detailed scores for each attribute, as well as an overall score based on average weights for each competency according to the US Government's Occupational Information Network (O*Net). O*Net represents over a decade of dedicated research evaluating the relative importance of various factors that lead to success in almost 1,000 different job roles.

The Candidate Selection Report also provides expert interview questions that help you probe critical or low-scoring areas, along with a guide for noting your evaluation of the candidate's responses. Consistent use of an interview guide is an important part of gaining better candidate insights and making better hiring decisions.

The Career Scout Report is provided to both the candidate and the employer. This report is designed to be useful to candidates in evaluating their strengths and weaknesses, and in selecting a career direction that aligns with their unique blend of interests, capabilities, and background.

Language: Dutch
Time to Complete: 45 Minutes (Approximately)
Simulation Context: Entry-Level Office
Note: This test contains questions that are difficult to complete on small screens. A large screen device, such as a laptop, desktop, or tablet is recommended. Test-takers using small devices will be advised to optionally change to a larger screen device.

(Internal Use) pid=1768, Sim

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